
Neck Hernia

Neck Hernia

Manual Therapy and Cervical Hernia Treatment

The neck structure has certain mobility capabilities, and the situations that arise when these mobility are lost or restricted are called neck hernia.

With the manual therapy method, the dimensions of the restriction that occur primarily in the basic movement areas in the neck area are determined. The dimensions of the restrictions in the neck movement angles are determined by means of manual applications. At this stage, radiological imaging techniques are also used to determine the problem more clearly.

In cases of neck pain, usually the point where the pain occurs is emphasized and the treatment is done through the pain center. However, the understanding of the manual therapy method is based on the basis that the spine is a whole. The spine is a structure that contains many connection points and these connection points are connected to each other in a chain. In other words, a problem or neck hernia in the neck area may be caused by the inability of the hip joint to function properly. Likewise, if the person has a waist or hip pain on the right side, limitation of movement may occur in the neck-back transition on the left side. In this respect, manual therapy takes the spine as a whole and applies the necessary techniques in a personalized manner.