Manuel Therapy

Manual Therapy in Hernia Treatment.

Manual Therapy Techniques.

What is Manual Therapy?

How is Manual Therapy Done?
Manual therapy, which has a history of practice almost as old as human history, includes treatments such as” compression therapy “and” vertebral column stretching “, which are also mentioned by pioneers of medicine such as Galen and Hippocrates. Manual therapy, which has improved in 20 years, is known as a successful treatment method today.
Manual therapy is a frequently used method in orthopedic problems. In particular, by treating the hernia with manual therapy, restrictions in the angle of motion can be eliminated. The obstructions in the physiological and anatomical movements of the lumbar region or the loss of the basic mobility of the joint can be treated with manual therapy. In this context, maneuvers such as manual pulling and twisting are applied. Thus, it is aimed to restore the physiological and anatomical angles of the joints. As with all musculoskeletal diseases, lumbar hernia problems are an area where manual therapy approaches the problem in a holistic manner and performs treatment accordingly.
The structure of the human neck is known for its ability to move. The restriction or complete loss of this mobility over time and for various reasons is called cervical disc hernia. Since cervical hernia is an issue that also falls into the field of treatment with manual therapy, the dimensions of the movement restrictions that occur primarily in the neck area are determined. Thanks to some manual applications, the movement angles of the neck are determined and the treatment is started after the extent of the discomfort is determined. At this stage, radiological imaging methods are also used to determine the current problem in more detail.
Non-surgical hernia treatment has become possible with manual therapy. However, the treatment time of manual therapy varies according to the physical and psychological condition of the patient. For neck and lumbar hernia problems, effective results are expected to be obtained in an average of 8 sessions. In short, surgery is not destined for neck and lumbar hern
Manual therapy is applications that include one or more of the special treatment types depending on the patient’s condition.
Soft Tissue Mobilization
This technique is applied to activate the joints and surrounding muscles. The main purpose is to correct joint movements and then reduce the tension of the muscles. Soft tissue mobilization is often used to treat myofascial adhesions that arise for different reasons. Thus, tissue fluids are activated and muscle tension is reduced. In this procedure, all of the muscles surrounding the spine are handled. Rhythmic stretching and strong pressure applied to these muscles are effective in activating the muscles.
Joint Mobilization
With joint mobilization, it is aimed to loosen the affected joints and increase the speed of movement. Because patients often complain of stiff muscles in their back. Although massage and ice application are frequently used to relieve pain; Since back pain recurs, joint mobilization should be preferred.
Ger and Say
Stretch and count technique focuses on improving neuromuscular reflexes that cause postural and structural problems. In this technique, which targets the points that trigger the pain, the doctor captures the most comfortable position where the sensitivity decreases. The person is held in this position for about 90 seconds. During this period, mild stretching and asymptomatic tension occurs. The patient is gradually removed from the position and the body muscles are allowed to return to their normal tension level. The muscle tension that occurs also determines the recovery phases. The stretch and count method is preferred for very sensitive back disorders and acute problems where other treatments do not respond
Manual therapy or treatment is a form of treatment that can be applied to all diseases related to the musculoskeletal system and is made with completely evidence-based medical knowledge. In other words, manual therapy is applied in all diseases that include physical therapy.
Manual therapy is called “manual therapy” because it is done manually. This treatment method, which has been applied in many countries for centuries, has entered the medical community scientifically and has managed to become a branch of science
Before starting manual therapy, the specialist physician performs a detailed evaluation to detect all muscle, bone and nerve damage in the area to be treated in order to prevent possible risks. The main purpose of this treatment is to use compression and stretching techniques, which are applied completely by hand without any medication. Diseases such as heart, diabetes, blood pressure, which are an obstacle in treatment, manual therapy does not pose any problem.
The most important issue in manual therapy applications is that it is applied by a specialist doctor. People who do not have medical education and lack sufficient experience, knowledge and competence may cause more harm than good because they may misinterpret the patient. In fact, serious disability risks may arise as they do not know what to do against complications that may occur during treatment. For this reason, if it is applied only in expert hands, manual therapy is a form of treatment that does not cause harm and offers many benefits.